Tofu Chickpea Coconut Curry

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Photo Credit: Shaeanne Karschner

This recipe is a must try!

I had been looking for a tofu coconut curry crock pot recipe and found this one on Pinterest. I decided it looked easy enough to try. By the time I got all the ingredients into the crock pot I happened to glance at the reviews and got really concerned. Some of the comments were that it was bland and would not make again. I changed some of the ingredients per one commenters recommendation and it turned out great!

My husband is not an adventurous eater and has never had Indian food before and he loved this!

Here are the changes I made:

  • 1.5 tbs of curry powder
  • Jasmine Rice (instead of regular)
  • Served with Nan
  • When frying the cubed tofu I also sprinkled curry powder on top so they tofu would absorb the flavor.

Seriously one of the best things I have ever made! I would recommend this recipe to anyone!

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