Ali Damron – Hormone Health Expert

I have made considerable progress with my outward physical appearance and strength/endurance. But, I realized there is so much more to progress than simply the way you look. I let my internal wellbeing decline to the point where I felt like I was worse off then before I started. I was doing too much in my day to day, being Type-A and a perfectionist, not resting on scheduled rest days, not paying attention to the good in my life, and letting stress take over.

I was tired, run down, not sleeping through the night, experiencing brain fog and low mood among other symptoms. I was referred to Ali Damron and started listening to her podcasts. I knew right away Ali was a resource for me because it sounded like she was speaking directly to me in almost everything she talked about. I decided to connect with her and get the help I needed to restore my inner health so it matched my outward progress.

If you are experiencing other symptoms besides weight gain, you may want to consider evaluating your hormones. I would  highly recommend connecting with Ali ASAP.

“Ali Damron has been in the health and wellness industry for 14+ years. From being a personal trainer to a corporate wellness educator to a licensed acupuncturist, Ali has helped thousands of people change their lives for the better. Her specialty is women’s health with a focus in hormonal balance. She has provided the tools, guidance, and path to their hormonal balance success. She has provided her professional expertise to dozens of other health and fitness professional’s programs to achieve hormonal balance with their clients as well. More than anything, Ali Damron puts her client’s success and well-being above everything else.”

I have found Ali Damron to be a wonderful resource for strategies to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Feel free to check out her site and I would also recommend accessing her podcast.

Currently I am enrolled in Ali’s Heal Your Hormones Master Class. I will provide updates after I am through the program.