FASTer Way to Fat Loss® Testimonials


I heard about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® earlier this year and was immediately interested. I had been struggling with weight loss plateau and dealing with low energy and weekly migraines. I also had been doing another online program for over a year that I initially enjoyed but wasn’t seeing much progress after some initial success and was also doing a points system for logging my food. I felt as though I needed to increase my exercise and decrease my eating (although I felt like I hardly ate anything) if I wanted to lose more weight. How discouraging!  I joined the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® in April and lost 15 inches in my first round, gained more energy and noticed my migraines disappeared as well! I realized I had definitely been under eating with the points system and have learned how to properly fuel my body and pair them with challenging and yet, doable, workouts to see results with FASTer Way to Fat Loss®. The daily accountability and authenticity of the other women and coaches in the program is what helps keep me going. I love this program and am excited to continue my health journey and think it would be beneficial to anyone who decides to try it. It is the best exercise and nutritional program out there, hands down!


My husband and I jumped into the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® because we just felt stuck in our health. We were doing all the right things but just didn’t feel all that healthy. I’m a registered dietitian and so we knew all the right foods to eat and were doing that, and we greatly valued a fitness routine and exercised almost daily, but still we just weren’t all that happy with our results. It’s been a year of change for us so we decided to change up our health routines, too, and jumped into the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®. What we found surpassed our every expectation. The strategies we were taught almost immediately got us unstuck. Our clothes were fitting better, our bodies seemed to be tightening up before our very eyes, we dropped some of the pounds that were hanging on, lost 12 inches (me) and 10 inches (husband) after the first round, but most importantly we gained our ENERGY back to be able to keep up with our 4 very busy kids.Your health is not to be undervalued. It is totally worth the money invested in the program and the effort put forth for a short 6 weeks. You truly will learn a lifestyle that you can continue forever.


I joined the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® community as a participant and fell in love with it! I had lost significant weight years before on other programs but unfortunately did some major damage to my thyroid and adrenal health by undereating and overtraining. This program gave me the balance I so desperately needed as a busy working mom with two toddlers! I found that not only did I lose more weight AND inches, my body composition changed and I was finally able to get rid of that extra abdominal fat that I had been trying to run off unsuccessfully since my youngest was born.I’ve now adopted this as a way of life and it has been a game changer for me! It has become second nature. I love the flexibility, balance and overall sustainability of this program and I absolutely recommend it to anybody I know!


I have been a long-distance runner most of my adult life, having completed two marathons and several half marathons. As I approached the latter half of my thirties and having carried four children to term, I found that my body was experiencing more and more pain from overuse. Additionally, it was increasingly difficult to maintain muscle mass, no matter how much I exercised or how little I ate. I had hit a serious plateau and knew I needed to do something different. After one week with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® I knew I was hooked. I couldn’t believe how much was “allowed” to eat! Though it was somewhat of a leap of faith, I could not deny the better sleep, extra energy and changes in my mood. Six months later, I can’t imagine not living the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® lifestyle. I feel stronger, look visibly leaner, and cannot care less about the number on the scale. Yay for freedom!!


I always assumed that my belly jiggle was just a genetic predisposition.   It’s definitely where I store extra fat quickly. So, the process started a long time ago and I have pretty much been willing try anything. (points systems, running, videos)  I have been successful too, reducing the size of my belly and feeling pretty good about my accomplishment until someone snaps a picture of me and there that sucker is, maybe smaller, but definitely there!  Then middle age hit and my belly began to fight me with chronic indigestion. I felt awful which made me a crabby person. But that wasn’t all. My head got involved and it was like the two of them were working against me on purpose.  I either had a daily headache or tummy ache, or BOTH, for about two years. The neurologist said I had migraines and gave me medicine And the gastroenterologist scoped me from both ends and gave me medicine and told me not to drink coffee.  I told him that was NOT going to happen, because I needed coffee to stop the headaches. Anyway, last year I tried The FASTer Way to Fat Loss® and at first it was hard.  (Thank God coffee was still on the table) But my new habits got easier as the weeks went by and I was able to do more of the exercises (no other program really, truly pairs the food with the exercise quite like this)  After one round on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® my tummy was noticeably different and in a different, sporty shape.  My new shape looked athletic and young! So I kept going and I can tell you honestly that I have not had this slim of a belly since elementary school. Also, I have not had to take any tums or prilosec since I started.  I feel so much younger and happier and my friends call me “athletic”!


I have been very passionate about fitness and health my entire life.  I started running in 2012 and since that time have completed 3 marathons, 10 ½ marathons and a slew of shorter distance races.  So needless to say I was “fit”, but it just was not getting me where I wanted to be. I had the “extra” around my waist that was so frustrating, I wasn’t sleeping, and even though I was active I felt constantly tired.  I had hit a major plateau and was looking for some answers. I researched A LOT. For months. I was definitely intrigued by the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®  but wondered would it really be sustainable?  I jumped in with 2 feet a year ago and have never looked back.  I haven’t felt this great since before I had kids. I have energy, I was sleeping again after only 2 weeks into the program, and I finally saw the little extra weight around my middle disappear.  SOLD!! I was so excited! I LOVE all things about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®, it’s truly been a life changer for me- so it’s become my passion as a COACH.  Never looking back!


“I have struggled with weight since college. I had 2 really tough pregnancies where I gained about 58 lbs during each one. I tried everything there was to do…all fad diets and all extreme exercising programs. I could BARELY lose 10 pounds! I would get so upset and just eat everything that was in my reach. My little family moved 5 hours away from all of our family and friends, so then depression hit and I didn’t have ANY energy to even fight it. When my baby turned 1, I saw the pictures of myself at his 1st birthday party and was just FED UP! So after a year of following Amanda, I took the plunge and have never looked back! This program is a game changer and a life giver!”


I was not looking for a diet or any kind of program, but when I heard about my friend’s amazing results in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®, I figured why not?! I still had 8 – 10 pounds of baby weight to lose from my 3rd baby (who is now 2) and I knew I needed to eat healthier and feed my family healthier foods, so I signed up on a whim. I thought that this program would be a 6-week “push” to lose weight and gain some healthy habits but that I would mostly go back to my old ways after that. Little did I know then that this would become a lifestyle I would love and actually want to continue! I lost 11 pounds and 13.75 pounds during my 6-week boot camp, and 4 months later, I am happy to say I have lost 17 pounds and 20 total inches! That’s way more than I ever even hoped for when I signed up! I feel so much better about myself than I have in a long time! And I love having a plan and a purpose to how I eat and how I exercise!


I had just put on about 10 extra pounds due to lots of changes and stress in my life and I was just feeling blah. I wasn’t fitting well into my clothes any more. I knew I needed to do something and it wasn’t buy new clothes!I’m so glad I jumped on board!  The FASTer Way to Fat Loss® is doing everything right. Prep week was super informative and I felt really prepared by the time week 1 begun. From the constant coaching and the tribe of others going through the program, I definitely felt the support to keep implementing the eating and exercise plan which in my opinion is super sustainable even beyond the program.  I also loved the little reminders that it is progress over perfection because, let’s be honest, lifestyle change doesn’t happen overnight.

My clothes fit again after only 6 weeks, I am down 9 lbs, my sugar cravings are far more manageable and I’m feeling really strong.


I started my first round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® almost exactly one year ago. I have always worked out and eaten mostly healthy, but I had been going through some tough life changes and I had let myself go. I was looking for something to get me back on track. When I discovered the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®, I knew it was exactly what I needed! It not only gave me the workouts but I helped me to dial in my nutrition and introduced me to carb cycling and intermittent fasting, which were game changers! I could not believe the changes I was seeing in my body in such a short amount of time. It had taken me months before to see the results I was seeing in only 6 weeks. This has truly become a lifestyle for me and I could not be happier!



I was an athlete in high school and had always relied on exercise as my stress outlet.  But “old reliable” – my 30 minute treadmill sessions – just weren’t cutting it anymore. The mental game was intense, and taking a toll on my self worth.  I felt guilty about every sweet treat I would eat. I hated how I felt. Even worse, I was beginning to hate who I saw in the mirror. I knew I needed to focus on nutrition and workouts at the same time to see results, but I didn’t know how or what to do.  The FASTer Way to Fat Loss® has taught me everything I need to know to consistently make good choices.  I knew I needed daily accountability and someone else to check in with because I was horrible about making myself a priority.  I also knew I needed someone to just tell me what workout to do, and how to change my nutrition habits. I was shocked to learn I was actually undereating consistently, which is what was hindering my progress.  The FASTer Way to Fat Loss® has given me the tools and knowledge necessary to fuel my body appropriately and help me reach goals that I never even thought possible for my body.  I felt better than I ever have after only one round of this program, and six months later have found it to be the most sustainable lifestyle that has empowered me to truly start living my best life.


Doing the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® has really opened my eyes to how little I was eating and how I was overdoing it on the workouts. Within a matter of a few days I was feeling less bloated, more energy, and better sleep! Around 2-3 weeks in to the program I could already notice a difference in the fit of my clothes. This is by far the best fitness and nutrition program I have tried!


I have always been active…played sports since middle school, have been a group fitness instructor for many years, very active with strength training and lead a very healthy lifestyle.  Weight loss has never been a goal of mine, but I always set out to make improvements with my overall wellness ~ more energy and improved physical performance. I LOVE a challenge! When I was introduced to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® I was a little hesitant because my first thought was “weight loss is not my goal”!  After being open to learning more about the program I committed to joining an upcoming round.  Literally within 3 weeks I had people at the gym telling me how cut I was looking. I was really amazed at the strategies I was learning with carb cycling, intermittent fasting and tracking macros! I went on to participate in a 2nd round and then committed to becoming a certified coach as I am very passionate about educating, inspiring and empower others to achieve their goals!  This is a terrific program that provides science based education, amazing results and a sustainable lifestyle!

I started FWTFL in June of 2018.  I had 3 babies in 4 years and while I bounced back relatively easily from the first two, the third was a different story.  My babiest baby had turned 1 in April, and I was still 10 pounds heavier than “normal.” More than that, my body was changing.  My previously taken for granted muscle tone and strength was disappearing. I found I could no longer do things I used to do. I was struggling with my energy level – really struggling.  As in, coffee all day, everyday to just survive to the kid’s bedtime. As in, I really need to take a shower but that feels like too much work, tired. My sleep, when it was gifted to me by the tiny humans that live in my home, was fitful and disrupted.  I knew I had to make a change, and I signed up for my first round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I dedicated myself to simply not quitting, to doing what I could when I could. I lived the mantra of progress over perfection. I focused on whole food nutrition, sleep, and water.  Somedays I missed workouts and somedays I’d phone them in, but I made an effort. A few weeks in, we took our measurements and I’d lost 10 inches! I threw caution to the wind and dug out a pair of shorts that haven’t fit since 2014 and I got them on! At the end of the 6 weeks, my body had changed (9lbs and 12.5 inches lost altogether), and I had more strength and muscle tone, but what was most life altering was this – I was happy.  Maybe it was the endorphins, or the regained body confidence, or the dramatic increase in energy, but most likely it’s all of these things and a few others thrown in. I encourage you to take the leap! Everyone should feel healthy and strong and confident, and I passionately believe this program will get you there.



In my younger years, YIKES I never thought I would be old enough to say that, I was a fit athlete. I had good muscle tone and enjoyed working out and staying in shape. A few years later I found the love of my life and we began our little family complete with one girl and two boys. I lost my baby weight  however, took a LOT of effort to lose my weight…AND I didn’t keep it off. I reached my highest weight this past summer. I didn’t even realize I had gotten so far off track until seeing one specific photo. When I saw that photo I just sat and looked at it and couldn’t really believe that was me. What had happened to me? Where did I go? I had lost myself in taking care of everyone else. I did NOT like the way I looked, I did NOT like the way I felt and I sure did NOT like feeling tired and exhausted all the time. I tried going to the gym on my own. I tried quitting soft drinks. I tried different fad diets and NOTHING worked. If I had results they were minimal, at best, and as soon as I stopped drinking whatever shake or bars I put the weight right back on PLUS some! UGH!!!! In the process I kept seeing one of my friends posting about this program she was doing. She was talking about carb cycling, intermittent fasting, whole foods and many other things that seemed foreign to me. I remember reading some of the information and thinking there is NO way that will work! You are supposed to eat small meals throughout the day the day to keep your metabolism up….right?!! Little did I know she held the key to me feeling like my old self again, to me being able to keep up with my children and my household without feeling exhausted at the end of the day. She held the key to the FASTer Way To Fat Loss!! I went into the program thinking it would never work for me. I thought well if I try this one last program then I will be able to tell my husband I had tried everything and just could not lose the weight. There I was about to give up…but I didn’t…I signed up for my first round in May of this year, in the middle of softball, baseball, soccer and the end of the school year. Did I mention that between my 3 children there were 7 teams (I coached or assisted on 4 of those)…and worked 60+ hours a week. I told my coach that I would not have time to do the workouts but needed to change my diet…and I did. I began the program more skeptical than most. The first week it took me a few days to adjust to fasting but by week two I could tell my clothes were getting loose. At week 4 several of my pants wouldn’t stay up without a belt. When I finished round 1 (without doing a single workout) I was down 13 inches. Yep you read that right…13 inches….IN 6 WEEKS! 4.5 of those inches came off of my stomach…the one place I wanted to lose weight the most but never could. I was bursting with excitement for this program and began telling family and friends. I then signed up for round 2. I wanted to see what the workouts were about while still being accountable to report in to my coach. The workouts didn’t look very hard on paper but they were really effective and I could get most of them done in 30 mins or so. I started to see major results. None of my clothes fit and EVERYONE started to notice and compliment me on my weight loss. At the end of round 2 I was down 21+ lbs in 12 weeks and within 9 lbs of my prepregnancy weight. I FINALLY felt comfortable in my skin again. I had my energy level back and my husband and children could tell the difference.